Everybody knows St. Patrick’s Day is one of the biggest annual celebrations. People look forward to this shenanigan-filled holiday all year long. But at Spirit Halloween, we celebrate a little differently. This year for St. Pat’s, we’re going to share two of Ireland’s scariest ghost stories with you. If you’re anything like us, you love a good scare. But beware if you’re easily spooked. These legends are SURE to keep you up at night!

Lady Isabella and the Ballygally Castle (Antrim Coast, Ireland)

The Ballygally Castle was built in 1625 by Lord James Shaw and his wife, Isabella. It’s one of the oldest buildings in Northern Ireland that’s still in use today, and it’s also home to a familiar, ghostly presence.

Isabella was pregnant with Shaw’s first child. He desperately wanted a boy (and would do anything to get what he wanted). When Isabella gave birth to a girl Shaw was unhappy, to say the least. He stole the baby from Isabella and locked her away in the top room of the castle. The situation quickly went from bad to worse, eventually ending in Isabella’s tragic demise.

Isabella fell out of the top-story window. Some legends say that her death was the result of an attempted escape. Others claimed it was suicide, but many people think these stories are cover-ups. They suspect that she was pushed from the window by Shaw or his goons.

Either way, Isabella has been haunting the Ballygally Castle ever since. Guests have reported multiple sightings of a ghostly figure roaming the halls. People constantly hear noises and feel her presence. And while she’s considered a friendly ghost, her story is genuinely chilling.

Haunted River of Kilkenny (Kilkenny, Ireland)

Kilkenny, Ireland is no stranger to ghost stories. In fact, it’s considered to be one of the most haunted places in all of Europe. This reputation dates all the way back to Ireland’s first witch trials. But the haunting story we’re about to tell begins in 1763 at John’s Bridge in Kilkenny.

During the devastating flood of 1763, Green’s Bridge (another bridge in town) collapsed. The wreckage was terrible. Over 100 people headed to John’s Bridge to view the flood and the mess it was leaving behind. But as people observed the surge, John’s Bridge also collapsed and tragically took the lives of around 16 of the spectators.

Since this horrific day, people have reported ghostly figures haunting the scene and rising with the morning mist. John’s Bridge was rebuilt many times, most recently in 1910, but the gruesome story will always be a part of Kilkenny.

Looking to read more ghost stories? Check out Spirit Employees Share Their Chilling Encounters with Real Ghosts and other spooky articles on our blog. We hope you have an amazing St. Patrick’s Day! Stay scared…